Company Profile
Change Promotions Inc. is the umbrella company of 3 diverse projects: Change Promotions Events, Change Recordings, and Change Promotions Business Solutions.
This website will focus more on the Change Promotions Events Project. Mission Statement Change Promotions Inc. is dedicated to the growth of Entertainers, Athletes and Entrepreneurs. Change Promotions Inc. aims to elevate the level of our grass root persons to become world class persons. Business Plan Change Promotions Inc. is a planner and operator of social events primarily for ambitious and competitive persons in the community looking to enhance their skills in specific industry.
The development of Entertainers, Athletes and Entrepreneurs is an up and coming process, so in response; we produce special events to boost the level of confidence of our participants leading them to become world class professionals.
Our Services fit well into overall social and economic trends. The events we produce will be affordable to the lower, middle and upper class of society; therefore participants mixing up to engage in these activities together. The Majority of participants are Males and Females of generation Y, (14-30) of all cultural back rounds and religion’s. This is a large portion of the population that will be controlling the future economic growth.
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